#EDUCATION // Sign up now for the November course. Join our volunteer surf lifesavers by gaining your Surf Rescue Certificate or Bronze Medallion, giving you lifelong skills in surf awareness, rescue techniques, and CPR.
Contact us to sign up for the next course, first session starts Tuesday 1st November at 6pm. More info www.naroomasurfclub.org.au/training

Be a financial member of an SLS club;
Be at least 15 years of age on the final assessment date;
Complete an unaided swim of 400 m in 9 minutes or less (goggles and masks permitted) in a swimming pool of not less than 25 m.

Be a financial member of an SLS club;
Be at least 13 years of age on the final assessment date;
Complete an unaided swim of 200 m in 5 minutes or less (goggles and masks permitted) in a swimming pool of not less than 25 m, or over a measured open water course which will be observed prior to you undertaking any water training or assessment activities.
Course commences on 1st November (Tue) at 6pm.
Will run it Tue/Thu 6 - 7:30pm and Sun 9 - 11am at the Clubhouse.
Email Ben, our Chief Training Officer benbate@hotail.com.au